How to create the perfect floral headdress

Traditionally veils or diamante hair slides or silver jewelled encrusted tiaras are the fashion statement piece for a bride.. well no more. Floral Headdresses have become more elaborate and come in an array of rainbow assorted colours, textures and designs.
Initially I was unsure what I wanted in my hair, I knew I did not want a tiara or a veil as we were getting married in a hot climate and it really did not compliment a beach wedding. I took inspiration from my friend who is very creative and she constructed her own floral headdress for her wedding. I then made a floral headdress out of subtle pink and cream roses and I created an oversized cream rose floral clip with some of the pink petals in my bouquet and decorated it with minature diamantes so they really sparkled in the sunshine. As I wore a classic cream lace mermaid fish tail dress- the flower clip worked better.

Floral Headdresses can be as elaborate or as simple as you wish, aesthetically I think the larger floral styles make beautiful showstoppers. Headdresses can be fastened by real or fake flowers and you can easily intertwine your designs in with your bouquets or grooms buttonholes. Dress wise I think Headdresses only suit chiffon, grecian or vintage style gowns. For example I wouldnt style them with a crystal beaded gown or a satin princess design. The Headdress should be a main focal point. If you feel these are out of your comfort zone you could decorate your bridesmaids with flower crowns or even create  cute minature flower halos for your flower girls. These are a few of my fav designs for your bridesmaids:





Most of these Headdresses can be found via they do offer a wide selection and a catalogue of inspiration from delicate crowns to elaborate pieces. You can also design crowns yourself, any good habadashery store will stock the items you need to invent your own. To create mine I used Hobby Craft which stocked everything I needed to fashion together my headdress.

I think you need just a little inspiration to get yourself started- think of your colour scheme, your venue and reception, take in account the season and work with it. You can introduce elements of fresh seasonal fruits or herbs, sparkles or gems, bind your crown with vintage or rustic components such as rope, twigs, ribbon or lace. Bear in mind your theme and just emphasise it. Here are some of my fav bridal headdresses that I found:







You can also weave your flower headdress into a waterfall garland around your hair, mIx it up with gold shimmering leaves, sapphires, gems or rich red rubies. For a more subtle approach you could delicatley scatter petals or gypsophelia across your hairline. To create added dimensions submerge the flowers or leaves within the fibres of your hair style- delicately place them in your curls or fasten within a chunky plait. You can even mount the flowers onto your veil. You do not neccessarily need to have a bohemian or vintage styled wedding to encompass this look, think of it as a way of re-inventing tradition.





I really hope this has provided you with some great ideas and techniques that you could create, speak with your florist or stylist if you wish to have fresh flowers or head to your local haberdashery to make your own. Good luck with your creations xx

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